Dreamstone 43

stained glass lymphad art

April 18-20, 2025

Camp Daniel Morgan at Hard Labor Creek State Park,
Knox Chapel Road / Daniel Morgan Road, Rutledge, GA 30663
GPS: 33.651712 N, 83.595168 W

Step back in time to the spring of 718 and the epic Siege of Constantinople. Witness the clash of empires as the Umayyad Caliphate, commanded by Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik, attempts to conquer the mighty Byzantine capital, while Emperor Leo III’s forces fight to remain strong behind fortified walls, lighting up the waters of the Golden Horn with Greek fire! Having just come out of a brutal winter, will the people of Constantinople prevail and keep out the Umayyad invaders? Or will the Caliphate triumph and bring its reach and influence into Europe for the first time?

Join the Barony of Bryn Madoc for a memorable journey through history, with activities for everyone (youth included)! Heavy fighters can take part in the legendary Dreamstone tournament and the popular Barons’ Prize tournament, as well as a thrilling melee scenario based on the Siege of Constantinople. Rapier fighters will test their mettle against one another in tournaments and melee combat. Beyond the battlefield, demonstrate your A&S skills in our traditional Baronial Brewing and Bardic competitions, or increase your knowledge by attending any of a number of classes.

For the youth, there are several planned activities, including a strategic scavenger hunt! During the day, take your ease with a delicious Constantinopolitan fundraiser lunch to benefit Welcome Home, the Meridian newcomer’s fund. Meet and engage with folks in the Fiber Arts salon, and chat with representatives of the Cooking Guild before capping off your day with an exquisite, world-historic feast. For those weekenders, Friday night will see an open tavern for music and games, while Saturday night will play host to a Revel. With classes, demos, and challenges for everyone, help make Dreamstone 43 an event to remember!

The site opens at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 18 and closes at 10 a.m. on Sunday, April 20.


Travelers’ fare will be offered on Friday night. Breakfast will be offered on Saturday and Sunday. There will also be a fundraiser lunch offered onsite.


Adult:   $25
Adult with SCA Member Discount:   $15
17 and Under:   Free

Feast:   $15
Lodging:   $15 (includes bed and breakfast)

For financial purposes at events hosted by the Barony of Bryn Madoc, “adult” price shall be designated as those of 18 years or older. SCA members receive a $10 discount on registration fees. Proof of membership is required.

Parking: An additional $5.00 per vehicle parking fee (or an Annual ParkPass) is required by Hard Labor Creek State Park. Parking passes may be purchased at troll, at the park’s Visitor Center, or guests may borrow a parking pass from a GA public library.


Minors (under the age of eighteen) must have a parent or parent-approved legal guardian with completed proper paperwork on site at all times.


Reserve online.

If reserving by mail, please make checks payable to “SCA, Inc., dba Barony of Bryn Madoc.” Reservations may be sent to Maestra Leonora Simonetta d’Este (Linda Gilbert), 135 Curtis Drive, Athens, GA 30605.

The only reservation is a paid reservation! No e-mail or phone reservations will be accepted. Cash and checks will be accepted at the door.


Baron Oengus mac Gilla Dubain
(Christian Cotton)
Phone: 706-206-3837 (text preferred, anytime)
Send an email

Maestra Leonora Simonetta d’Este
(Linda Gilbert)
135 Curtis Drive
Athens, GA 30605
Phone: 706-296-9153 (text preferred, before 9 p.m.)
Send an email

Cap’n Tadhg Dubhagen
(Anthony Cagle)
Send an email