12th Night Activities
Stella Nova
Stella Nova is a dedicated process of fostering confidence for people new to Arts and Sciences (A&S) competition. Once the new session is announced, a mentoring Laurel is assigned to each artist to help guide them in their project’s scope, documentation, and presentation. All persons interested in Stella Nova should contact the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences.
More information about Stella Nova can be found in the A&S Handbook, available on the KMoAS’ webpage, as well as an online entry form for A&S faires (choose the Stella Nova option when filling out the form). Entry form link.
Dreamers Moot Regional A&S Fair
Dreamers Moot is a Regional Arts and Sciences Faire, held in memory of our beloved Master Dylan ab Aneirin y Breuddwydiwr (one of Bryn Madoc’s founders). Entries are judged with the same guidelines and caliber of judges as those of the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire. Documentation is required for regional A&S faires.
The Kingdom A&S office will assign judges and a judging time. Feedback from the judges provides artisans an opportunity to make adjustments and add enhancements to their project and documentation prior to Kingdom A&S.
You can sign up to enter Dreamers Moot using the online entry form for A&S faires (choose the Dreamers Moot option when filling out the form). Entry form link.
If you have problems accessing the form, and wish to sign up for Dreamers Moot, email the Kingdom A&S office.Please include the following information:
- Project name
- SCA name
- Modern name
- Is the project static, performance, consumable, paper, or youth?
- Please include any scheduling conflicts.
For other questions regarding Dreamers Moot, please contact the Kingdom MoAS.
Classes and Workshops
10 a.m.
Fiber Arts Solar
Hosts: Mistress Margala of Dovedale and THLady Robin de Shelladh
An informal hangout space for anyone interested in fiber arts. Bring your knitting, weaving, embroidery, and other fiber projects to work on and visit with others. Non-fiber projects welcome too. Runs until 4 p.m.
(Main Hall, by the windows)
10 a.m.
Basic Forge Safety
Instructor: THLord Knut Bjornsson, Baron Bryn Madoc
Cold (no fire) safety training for operating a forge
(Classroom 1)
11 a.m.
Basics of Dyeing
Instructor: THLady Robin de Shelladh
An overview of dyeing fiber
(Classroom 1)
1 p.m.
SCA Acting 101
Instructor: Master Mathias Blackett
A look into the basics of stagecraft in the SCA, and what makes for an engaging performance to an audience.
(Classroom 1)
2 p.m.
Dance Practice
Instructor: Baroness Mariona Dolores RuÃz de la Costa
Two hours of dance practice
(Main Hall)
2 p.m.
Paper Crown Making
Instructor: Liv Iversdatter
A ongoing workshop for all ages, runs until 4 p.m.
(Main Classroom)
Armored Combat
Rapier Combat
9 a.m.
and armor inspection, authorizations throughout the day
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (all day)
12 Days of Christmas Challenge
- All standard SCA rapier equipment allowed. Cut and thrust rules may be used by the agreement of the fencers. Fencers must use matched weapon sets, established by agreement prior to the bout. Restrictions on target area or other conventions may be established at the discretion of the fencers.
- Participating fencers will self-organize bouts from among the assembled fencers throughout the day. All possible opponents must be fenced prior to repeating opponents.
- The first fencer to accumulate 12 UNIQUE wins on their dance card will be determined the overall winner. After their 12th win, this fencer will retire from the field until a second fencer accumulates 12 wins, after which the process will be repeated to arrive at a complete podium.
- If a fencer has fenced all possible opponents, they must fight repeat opponents using a different weapon set than the one they used in their first bout.
10 a.m.
Early Bird Round Robin Tournament
- Standard round robin tournament format, all standard rapier equipment allowed.
- Bouts may be fought under cut and thrust rules at the agreement of both fencers.
1 p.m.
Coldweather Classic Sword and Cape Tournament
- Standard double elimination bracket, obligate sword and cloak.
- Fencers may substitute an analogous outer garment for the cloak as is appropriate for their persona.
- All fencers must start the bout with the sword and cloak equipped in some fashion.
- Bouts may be fought under cut and thrust rules at the agreement of the fencers. Should they choose to fight under cut and thrust rules, the fencers must agree to a standard for defense against cuts with the cloak prior to the start of the bout.
3 p.m.
Cut and Thrust Armor as Worn Tournament
Sponsored by Ian Marra
- Rules TBD